§ 23-13-20 Coordination of community-basedfamily life and sex education. (a) The director of health, with the consultation from the commissioner ofelementary and secondary education, the director of human services, the FamilyLife Center at the Community College of Rhode Island, and the director of thedepartment of children, youth, and families, is authorized to establish afamily life and sex education coordination program to assist in theestablishment of community networks of educators, counselors, and health andhuman service providers in the maternal and child health planning areas of thestate with high rates of teenage pregnancy. The epidemic of teenage pregnancyis, in part, a result of a deteriorating quality of family life reflected inhigh divorce rates, confusion between love and sex, and increasing reports ofisolation and hopelessness. This community-based approach can address theproblem of teenage pregnancy created by the demographic, economic, and culturalphenomena that have dramatically changed both the definition and the role ofthe family. This program shall include counseling in substance abuse prevention.
(b) It is the intent of the general assembly that the complexsocial problem of teenage pregnancy be addressed by the thoughtfulorchestration of community institutions and interest groups to support a soundschool program designed both to enhance the personal competence and self-esteemof youth, and improve parent skills in providing explicit sexuality educationin the home.