§ 23-15-5 Expeditious review. Any person who proposes to offer or develop new institutional health servicesor new health care equipment for documented emergency needs, or for the purposeof eliminating or preventing documented fire or safety hazards affecting thelives and health of patients or staff, or for compliance with accreditationstandards required for receipt of federal or state reimbursement, or for anyother purpose that the state agency may specify in rules and regulations, mayapply for an expeditious review. The state agency may exercise its discretionin recommending approvals through an expeditious review except that no newinstitutional health service or new health care equipment may be approvedthrough the expeditious review if provision of the new institutional healthservice or new health care equipment is contra-indicated by the state healthplan as may be formulated by the state agency. Specific procedures for theconduct of expeditious reviews shall be promulgated in rules and regulationsadopted by the state agency with the advice of the health services council.