§ 23-16.2-5.1 Payment for servicesrendered by clinical laboratories Commissions, rebates, and fees Use of laboratory's name. (a) It shall be unlawful for any purveyor of clinical laboratory services,directly or indirectly, through any person, firm, corporation, or association,or its officers or agents, to bill or receive payment, reimbursement,compensation, or fee from any person other than the recipient of the services,the recipient being the person upon whom the clinical services have been orwill be rendered.
(b) The provisions of subsection (a) of this section shall beinapplicable to payment by:
(1) A legal relative of the recipient of the services;
(2) An insurance carrier designated by the recipient of theservices;
(3) A hospital on behalf of an in-patient or out-patient ofthe hospital having been the recipient of the services;
(4) One purveyor to another purveyor for actual servicesrendered;
(5) An industrial firm only for its own employees;
(6) A trade union health facility only for its registeredpatients;
(7) Governmental agencies and/or their specified public orprivate agent, agency, or organization on behalf of the recipient of theservices.
(c) A clinical laboratory shall not offer or give acommission, rebate or other fee, directly or indirectly, to any person asconsideration for the referral of a specimen derived from a human body to aclinical laboratory for examination by the laboratory.
(d) A clinical laboratory shall not solicit or accept acommission, rebate, or other fee, directly or indirectly, from any person asconsideration for the referral of a specimen derived from the human body to aclinical laboratory for examination by the laboratory.
(e) A clinical laboratory shall not lend the use of the nameof a clinical laboratory or a licensed hospital or clinic, or any otheremployee of the laboratory or institution, to an unlicensed clinical laboratory.