§ 23-16.2-6 Issuance or denial of license. Not less than thirty (30) days from the time any application for the license isreceived, the director shall grant the application and issue a license tomaintain a laboratory or station if the director shall be satisfied that theapplicant complies with the rules and regulations promulgated in accordancewith this chapter, establishing standards for the qualifications of personneland adequacy of equipment and facilities. The standards for qualification ofpersonnel shall include provision for minimum standards of professionaleducation or experience, as determined by the director. The director mayprovide for the examination of applicants to determine their qualifications.Notwithstanding the preceding statements in this section, upon payment of anyapplicable license fees, the director may grant immediate licensure to anyclinical laboratory licensed as a clinical laboratory in another state andcertified under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act of 1988, when theclinical laboratory has been asked to perform a clinical laboratory servicewhich is not offered by any other clinical laboratory then licensed in thisstate.