§ 23-16.2-7 Suspension and revocation oflicense. (a) The department of health may revoke or suspend the license or specificcertification of any laboratory or station for conduct by or chargeable to thelaboratory or stations as follows:
(1) Failure to observe any term of the license or specificcertification issued under authority of this chapter by the department ofhealth;
(2) Failure to observe any order made under authority of thischapter or under the statutory authority vested in the department of health;
(3) Engaging in, aiding, abetting, causing, or permitting anyaction prohibited under this chapter;
(4) Failing to observe any regulations promulgated by thedepartment of health.
(b) Whenever the director shall have reason to believe thatany laboratory or station, for the maintenance of which the director has issueda license or specific certification as provided for in § 23-16.2-4, isbeing maintained in violation of the rules and regulations provided in §23-16.2-5, the director may, pending an investigation and hearing, suspend fora period not exceeding thirty (30) days, any license or specific certificationissued under authority of this chapter and may, after due notice and hearing,revoke the license or specific certification if the director finds that thelaboratory or station is being maintained in violation of the rules andregulations. The holder of a license shall upon its revocation promptlysurrender the license or specific certification to the director.