§ 23-16.4-1 Declaration of intent andpurpose. Whereas, recent medical and technological advances have had tremendous benefitto patients, and society as a whole, and biomedical research for the purpose ofscientific investigation of disease or cure of a disease or illness should bepreserved and protected and not be impeded by regulations involving the cloningof an entire human being; and
Whereas, molecular biology, involving human cells, genes,tissues, and organs, has been used to meet medical needs globally for twenty(20) years, and has proved a powerful tool in the search for cures, leading toeffective medicines to treat cystic fibrosis, diabetes, heart attack, stroke,hemophilia, and HIV/AIDS;
The purpose of this legislation is to place a ban on thecreation of a human being through division of a blastocyst, zygote, or embryoor somatic cell nuclear transfer, and to protect the citizens of the state frompotential abuse deriving from cloning technologies. This ban is not intended toapply to the cloning of human cells, genes, tissues, or organs that would notresult in the replication of an entire human being. Nor is this ban intended toapply to in vitro fertilization, the administration of fertility enhancingdrugs, or other medical procedures used to assist a woman in becoming orremaining pregnant, so long as that procedure is not specifically intended toresult in the gestation or birth of a child who is genetically identical toanother conceptus, embryo, fetus, or human being, living or dead.