§ 23-16.4-2 Cloning of human beingsprohibited. (a) Prohibition. No person or entity shall utilize somatic cell nucleartransfer for the purpose of initiating or attempting to initiate a humanpregnancy nor shall any person create genetically identical human beings bydividing a blastocyst, zygote, or embryo.
(1) "Nucleus" means the cell structure that houses thechromosomes, and thus the genes;
(2) "Oocyte" means the female germ cell, the egg;
(3) "Somatic cell" means any cell of a conceptus, embryo,fetus, child, or adult not biologically determined to become a germ cell; and
(4) "Somatic cell nuclear transfer" means transferring thenucleus of a human somatic cell into an oocyte from which the nucleus has beenremoved.
(1) Nothing in this section shall be construed to restrictareas of biomedical, microbiological, and agricultural research or practicesnot expressly prohibited in this section, including research or practices thatinvolve the use of:
(i) Somatic cell nuclear transfer or other cloningtechnologies to clone molecules, DNA, cells, and tissues;
(ii) Mitochondrial, cytoplasmic, or gene therapy; or
(iii) Somatic cell nuclear transfer techniques to createanimals.
(2) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit:
(i) In vitro fertilization, the administration offertility-enhancing drugs, or other medical procedures used to assist a womanin becoming or remaining pregnant, so long as that pregnancy is notspecifically intended to result in the production of a child who is geneticallyidentical to another human being, living or dead;
(ii) Any activity or procedure that results, directly orindirectly in two (2) or more natural identical twins.