§ 23-17.14-11 Criteria for the departmentof health Conversions limited to not-for-profit corporations. In reviewing an application of a conversion involving a hospital in which thetransacting parties are limited to not-for-profit corporations, the departmentshall consider the following criteria:
(1) Whether the character, commitment, competence, andstanding in the community, or any other communities served by the proposedtransacting parties are satisfactory;
(2) Whether sufficient safeguards are included to assure theaffected community continued access to affordable care;
(3) Whether the transacting parties have providedsatisfactory evidence that the new hospital will provide health care andappropriate access with respect to traditionally underserved populations in theaffected community;
(4) Whether procedures or safeguards are assured to insurethat ownership interests will not be used as incentives for hospital employeesor physicians to refer patients to the hospital;
(5) Whether the transacting parties have made a commitment toassure the continuation of collective bargaining rights, if applicable, andretention of the workplace;
(6) Whether the transacting parties have appropriatelyaccounted for employment needs at the facility and addressed workforceretraining needed as a consequence of any proposed restructuring;
(7) Whether the conversion demonstrates that the publicinterest will be served considering the essential medical services needed toprovide safe and adequate treatment, appropriate access and balanced healthcare delivery to the residents of the state.