§ 23-17.14-2 Findings. The general assembly finds and declares that:
(1) Rhode Island has a proud history of non-profit hospitalsand philanthropic support of medical services, education and research;
(2) Hospitals in Rhode Island provide overall high qualitycare at a reasonable cost;
(3) Hospitals in Rhode Island have experienced during the1990's substantial declines in occupancy as the healthcare system has changed.
(4) Hospitals required capital to maintain operations and tomodernize facilities and services;
(5) Nationally and regionally private investment is beingmade that results in the conversion of not-for-profit and public hospitals intofor-profit hospitals;
(6) There are hospitals in Rhode Island that have providedand continue to provide important services to communities that submit thattheir survival may depend on the ability to enter into agreements that resultin the investment of private capital and their conversion to for-profit status;
(7) Hospitals both not-for-profit and for-profit are mergingand forming networks to achieve integration, stability and efficiency and thepresence of these networks affects competition;
(8) There are concerns that hospital networks may engage inpractices that affect the quality medical services in the community as a wholeand for more vulnerable members of society in particular;
(9) In order to protect public health and welfare and publicand charitable assets, it is necessary to establish standards and proceduresfor hospital conversions.