§ 23-17.14-3 Purpose of provisions. The purpose of this chapter is to:
(1) Assure the viability of a safe, accessible and affordablehealthcare system that is available to all of the citizens of the state;
(2) To establish a process to evaluate, monitor and reviewwhether the new phenomenon of for-profit corporations gaining an interest inhospitals will maintain, enhance, or disrupt the delivery of healthcare in thestate and to monitor hospital performance to assure that standards forcommunity benefits continue to be met;
(3) To establish a review process and criteria for review ofhospital conversions that involve for-profit corporations;
(4) To establish a review process and criteria for review ofhospital conversions that involve only not-for-profit corporations;
(5) To clarify the jurisdiction and the authority of thedepartment of health to protect public health and welfare and the department ofattorney general to preserve and protect public and charitable assets inreviewing both hospital conversions which involve for-profit corporations andhospital conversions which include only not-for-profit corporations; and
(6) To provide for independent foundations to hold anddistribute proceeds of hospital conversions consistent with the acquiree'soriginal purpose or for the support and promotion of health care and socialneeds in the affected community.