§ 23-17.15-1 Legislative findings. It is found and declared as follows:
(1) Rhode Island has a very high percentage of elderlypersons, and the percentage of elderly persons is expected to increase.
(2) Rhode Island elderly and disabled persons desire accessto the complete range of long-term care services.
(3) Coordination among existing long-term care programs needscontinued improvement.
(4) Rhode Island needs to adopt goals and values for publicpolicy regarding long-term care such as those stated in the "Long-Term CarePlan for Rhode Island 1995-2000" as prepared by the long-term care coordinatingcouncil, pursuant to chapter 20 of title 40.
(5) The citizens of Rhode Island deserve a long-term caresystem that:
(i) Is consumer-driven and includes consumers in long-termcare policy development; and
(ii) Is seamless, with coordinated funding andadministration; and
(iii) Encourages consumer rights, information, choice,quality of care, safety, and quality of life; and
(iv) Accommodates the preferences of consumers, most of whomchoose to remain independent and in their own homes and the community for aslong as possible; and
(v) Offers a balanced array of services that arecost-effective and meet consumers' needs.