§ 23-17.15-2 Long-term care goals andvalues. All long-term care programs and services provided by any department or agencyof the state shall be designed to promote independence and care in the leastrestrictive environment, to enhance the quality of life for consumers, and beconsistent with and inclusive of the following values that reflect consumers'preferences and needs:
(1) Consumers are treated with dignity and respect.
(2) Consumers actively participate in all decisionsconcerning their care.
(3) Consumers must be able to make informed choices aboutlong-term care.
(4) Consumers have access to a range of services organized tomeet their needs.
(5) The long-term care financing system is equitable,balancing personal and public responsibility.
(6) The long-term care system is accountable to the public.
(7) The long-term care system supports family and otherinformal caregivers.
(8) The long-term care system offers appropriate choices ofservices and providers.
(9) The long-term care system controls costs for consumersand the public.
(10) The long-term care system offers quality care in allservice settings.
(11) The long-term care system coordinates with eithermedical, housing, transportation, health and/or other important servicesnecessary to the consumer.