§ 23-17.17-3 Establishment of health carequality performance measurement and reporting program. The director of health is authorized and directed to develop a state healthcare quality performance measurement and reporting program. The health carequality performance measurement and reporting program shall include qualityperformance measures and reporting for health care facilities licensed in RhodeIsland. The program shall be phased in over a multi-year period and shall beginwith the establishment of a program of quality performance measurement andreporting for hospitals. In subsequent years, quality performance measurementand reporting requirements will be established for other types of health carefacilities such as nursing facilities, home nursing care providers, otherlicensed facilities, and licensed health care providers as determined by thedirector of health. Prior to developing and implementing a quality performancemeasurement and reporting program for hospitals or any other health carefacility or health care provider, the director shall seek public commentregarding the type of performance measures to be used and the methods andformat for collecting the data.