§ 23-17.17-5 Annual report. (a) The director shall prepare and submit by January fifteenth (15th) of eachyear an annual report to the general assembly and governor on the status of thehealth care quality performance measurement and reporting program. The annualreport shall include information on trends in health care quality performancemeasures, identify areas for quality improvement initiatives, and program plansand objectives for future years. The first annual report shall include:
(1) Progress to date in implementing the health care qualityperformance measurement and reporting program for hospitals,
(2) A proposed timetable for adding additional types oflicensed facilities to the health care quality performance measurement andreporting program, and
(3) A study of a cost-sharing mechanism for the operationalcosts of the health care quality performance measurement and reporting program.
(b) The director shall also prepare a statewide qualityperformance measurement report using the data collected from the qualityperformance measurement and reporting program. The report, based onrisk-adjusted, scientifically valid, data-driven mechanisms, shall be madeavailable to the public to show how individual facilities compare and to helpidentify both exemplary performance and best practices to facilitate theprovision of bench marking services to health care organizations.