§ 23-17.19-4 Resident immunization. (a) Notice to resident. Upon admission, the facility shall notify theresident and legal guardian of the immunization requirements of this chapterand request that the resident agree to be immunized against influenza virus andpneumococcal disease.
(b) Records and immunizations. Every facility shalldocument the annual immunization against influenza virus and immunizationagainst pneumococcal disease for each resident which includes written evidencefrom a health care provider indicating the date and location the vaccine wasadministered. Upon finding that a resident is lacking the immunization or thefacility or individual is unable to provide documentation that the individualhas received the appropriate immunization, the facility shall make availablethe immunization. Immunization and the documentation of the immunization shalltake place no later than November 30 of each year.
(c) Other immunizations. An individual who becomes aresident after November 30 and prior to April 1 of the following year shallhave his or her status for influenza and pneumococcal immunization determinedby the facility, and, if found to be deficient, the facility shall makeavailable the necessary immunizations.