§ 23-17.19-5 Employee immunization. (a) Notice to employees. Every facility shall notify every employee ofthe immunization requirements of this chapter and request that the employeeagree to be immunized against influenza virus.
(b) Records and immunizations. The facility shallrequire documentation of annual immunization against influenza virus for eachemployee, which includes written evidence from a health care providerindicating the date and location the vaccine was administered. Upon findingthat an employee is lacking the immunization or the facility or individual isunable to provide documentation that the individual has received theappropriate immunization, the facility shall make available the immunization.Immunization and the documentation of the immunization shall take place nolater than November 30 of each year.
(c) Other immunizations. An individual who is newlyemployed as an employee and after November 30 and prior to April 1 shall havehis status for influenza determined by the facility, and, if found to bedeficient, the facility shall make available the necessary immunization.
(d) Immunization authorized. Nothing in this sectionshall prohibit the immunization against pneumococcal disease to employees.