§ 23-17.21-3 Legislative purpose andintent. The general assembly proposes a Rhode Island patient safety organization that:
(a) Works with hospitals, nursing facilities, andfreestanding ambulatory surgical centers for both the reporting of patientsafety events including situations in which a patient safety event was averted(near misses) and evaluating the root causes of the patient safety event;
(b) Recommends to health care providers changes to improvetheir patient safety through investigating system causes related to the patientsafety events and, on at least an annual basis, to the department for statewidechanges and policies that will advance patient safety and quality improvement;
(c) Facilitates the creation and maintenance of anon-identifiable patient safety database. The database shall have the capacityto accept, aggregate, and analyze non-identifiable patient safety work productand data reported by entities and provide this to the national network ofpatient safety databases.