§ 23-17.21-6 Requirements for reportingentities. (a) Each reporting entity may enter into a written contract with a certifiedPSO in accordance with the requirements of this chapter.
(b) Beginning January 1, 2009, a reporting entity may enterinto a written contract with a patient safety organization to which it sendspatient safety work product. Each contract shall require the reporting entityto maintain a document log itemizing the types of documents submitted to thePSO without indicating the content of such documents. Such document log shallbe accessible to the department for the sole purpose of allowing the departmentto verify the type of information submitted to PSOs. The department shall nothave access to patient safety work product. Such document log shall not besubject to a disclosure to, or use by, any person or entity, other than the PSOand the reporting entity with which it has contracted, and by the departmentfor the sole purpose provided in this subsection.
(c) Reporting entities shall not be exempt from therequirements of § 23-17-40 or § 5-37-9.
(d) Patient safety work product (whether identifiable ofnonidentifiable) and any document log submitted to the director undersubsection (a) shall not be a public record for the purposes of chapter 38-2.Reporting entities shall not be considered a public body or agency for thepurposes of chapter 38-2.