§ 23-17.22-2 Establishment of the healthyRhode Island strategic plan. (a) The director of health in consultation with the health care planning andaccountability advisory council established pursuant to chapter 81 of title 23,shall be responsible for the development and implementation of a five (5) yearstrategic plan that charts the course for a healthy Rhode Island.
(b) The director and the health care planning andaccountability advisory council shall engage a broad range of health careproviders, health insurance plans, professional organizations, community andnonprofit groups, consumers, businesses, school districts, and state and localgovernment in developing and implementing the healthy Rhode Island five (5)year strategic plan.
(c) The healthy Rhode Island strategic plan shall include:
(i) A description of the course charted to a healthy RhodeIsland (the healthy Rhode Island model), which includes patientself-management, emphasis on primary care, community initiatives, and healthsystem and information technology reform, to be used uniformly statewide byprivate insurers, third party administrators, and public programs;
(ii) A description of prevention programs and how theseprograms are integrated into communities, with chronic care management, and thehealthy Rhode Island model;
(iii) A plan to develop and implement reimbursement systemsaligned with the goal of managing the care for individuals with or at risk forconditions in order to improve outcomes and the quality of care;
(iv) The involvement of public and private groups, healthcare professionals, insurers, third party administrators, associations, andfirms to facilitate and assure the sustainability of a new system of care;
(v) The involvement of community and consumer groups tofacilitate and assure the sustainability of health services supporting healthybehaviors and good patient self-management for the prevention and management ofchronic conditions;
(vi) Alignment of any information technology needs with otherhealth care information technology initiatives;
(vii) The use and development of outcome measures andreporting requirements, aligned with outcome measures established by thedirector under this section, to assess and evaluate the healthy Rhode Islandmodel system of chronic care management;
(viii) Target timelines for inclusion of specific chronicconditions to be included in the chronic care infrastructure and for statewideimplementation of the healthy Rhode Island model;
(ix) Identification of resource needs for implementation andsustaining the healthy Rhode Island model and strategies to meet the identifiedneeds; and
(x) A strategy for ensuring statewide participation no laterthan January 1, 2010 by all health insurers, third-party administrators, healthcare professionals, health care facilities as defined in § 23-17-2 of theRhode Island general laws, and consumers in the healthy Rhode Island chroniccare management plan, including common outcome measures, best practices andprotocols, data reporting requirements, payment methodologies, and otherstandards.
(2) The strategic plan shall be reviewed biennially andamended as necessary to reflect changes in priorities. Amendments to the planshall be reported to the general assembly in the report established undersubsection (d) of this section.
(d) The director shall report to the general assemblyannually on the status of implementation of the Rhode Island blueprint forhealth. The report shall include the number of participating insurers, healthcare facilities, health care professionals and patients; the progress forachieving statewide participation in the chronic care management plan,including the measures established under subsection (c) of this section; theexpenditures and savings for the period; the results of health careprofessional and patient satisfaction surveys; the progress toward creation andimplementation of privacy and security protocols; and other information asrequested by the committees. The surveys shall be developed in collaborationwith the health care planning and accountability advisory council.
(2) If statewide participation in the healthy Rhode Islandmodel for health is not achieved by January 1, 2010, the director shallevaluate the healthy Rhode Island model for health and recommend to the generalassembly changes necessary to create alternative measures to ensure statewideparticipation by all health insurers, third-party administrators, health carefacilities, and health care professionals.