§ 23-17.4-11 Accessibility to assistedliving residences and residents. Access to an assisted living residences for adults and its residents byindividuals other than relatives and friends of the residents shall bepermitted at reasonable hours by duly authorized agents of state and municipalagencies other than the licensing agency and the division of fire safety,private or public institutions, organizations, associations, or any otherservice agencies whose purpose includes discharging legally authorizedresponsibilities or rendering volunteer assistance or service to residents withrespect to personal, social, legal, religious services, or such other as civiland human rights. Access shall not substantially disrupt the operation of thefacility. Anyone entering the facility shall produce appropriate identificationprior to being granted permission to enter the premises. Entering a resident'sroom and visitation privileges with residents by these persons shall be subjectto the provisions of § 23-17.4-16 and the rules and regulationspromulgated pursuant to this chapter.