§ 23-17.4-15.3 Resident records. Each residence shall at a minimum maintain the following information for eachresident:
(1) The resident's name;
(2) The resident's last address;
(3) The name of the person or agency referring the residentto the home;
(4) The name, specialty (if any), telephone number, andemergency telephone number of each physician who has treated the residentduring the preceding twelve (12) months;
(5) The date the resident began residing in the home;
(6) A list of medications taken by the resident including thedosage;
(7) Written acknowledgements that the resident has receivedcopies of the rights as provided in § 23-17.4-16;
(8) A record of personal property and funds that the residenthas entrusted to the facility;
(9) Information about any specific health problems of theresident that may be useful in a medical emergency;
(10) The name, address, and telephone number of a personidentified by the resident who should be contacted in the event of an emergencyor death of the resident;
(11) Any other health-related emergency, or pertinentinformation which the resident requests the residence to keep on record;
(12) Specific records of medication administration asrequired by the licensing agency; and
(13) Copies of the resident agreement, initial and periodicassessments and service plan(s).