§ 23-17.4-21.2 Functions of the departmentof health. It is the function of the department of health to:
(1) Develop, impose, and enforce standards which must be metby individuals in order to receive a certificate as an assisted livingadministrator. These standards are designed to insure that assisted livingadministrators will be individuals who are of good character and are suitable,and who, by training or experience in the field of institutionaladministration, are qualified to serve as assisted living administrators;
(2) Establish and carry out procedures designed to insurethat individuals certified as assisted living administrators will, during anyperiod that they serve as assisted living administrators, comply with therequirements of those standards;
(3) Receive, investigate, and take appropriate action withrespect to any charge or complaint filed with the department to the effect thatany individual certified as an assisted living administrator has failed tocomply with the requirements of those standards;
(4) Conduct a continuing study and investigation of assistedliving administrators within the state, with a view to improving the standardsimposed for the certification of those administrators, and of procedures andmethods for enforcing those standards with respect to certified assisted livingadministrators.