§ 23-17.4-21.3 Functions of assistedliving certification board. It is the function of the board to:
(1) Conduct examinations as required by the department and toact in an advisory capacity to the department in all matters pertaining to thecertification of assisted living administrators;
(2) Develop and apply appropriate techniques, includingexaminations and investigations, for determining whether an individual meetsthose standards, subject to the approval of the director;
(3) Recommend to the department the issuance of licenses andregistrations to individuals determined, after application of those techniques,to meet those standards; and to recommend to the director the revocation orsuspension of licenses or registrations previously issued in any case where theindividual holding that license or registration is determined substantially tohave failed to conform to the requirements of those standards; and
(4) Adopt, with the approval of the director of health, rulesand regulations governing a mandatory program of continuing education forassisted living administrators.