§ 23-17.4-8.1 Curtailment of activities. Whenever the director determines that an assisted living residence for adultslicensed under this chapter is not being operated in conformance with all ofthe requirements established under this chapter, the director may, in lieu ofsuspension or revocation of the license of the facility, order the licensee toadmit no additional individual to the facility, to transfer all or some of theresidents occupying the facility to other suitable accommodations, or to takeany other corrective action necessary to secure compliance with therequirements established under this chapter. Notice of the order and thesubsequent hearing as may be scheduled shall comply with the requirements ofprocedural due process stipulated in § 23-17.4-8. The director may actpursuant to this section only in those instances in which the directordetermines that the continued operation of the facility will not result inundue hardship to its occupants.