§ 23-17.5-17 Transfer to another facility. (a) Before transferring a patient to another facility or level of care within afacility, the patient shall be informed of the need for the transfer and of anyalternatives to the transfer.
(b) A patient shall be transferred or discharged only formedical reasons, or for the patient's welfare or that of other patients or fornonpayment of the patient's stay.
(c) Reasonable advance notice of transfers to health carefacilities other than hospitals shall be given to ensure orderly transfer ordischarge and those actions shall be documented in the medical record.
(d) In the event that a facility seeks a variance from therequired thirty (30) day notice of closure of the facility, reasonable advancenotice of the hearing for the variance shall be given by the facility to thepatient, his or her guardian, or relative so appointed or elected to be his orher decision-maker, and an opportunity to be present at the hearing shall begranted to the designated person.
(e) In the event of the voluntary closure of a facility,which closure is the result of a variance from the required thirty (30) daynotice of closure, granted by the director of the department of health,reasonable advance notice of the closure shall be given by the facility to thepatient, his or her guardian, or relative so appointed or elected to be his orher decision-maker.