§ 23-17.5-24 Resident for more than sixmonths Right to remain after depletion of funds Penalty forviolations. Every patient who has been a resident of a nursing home which participates inthe Rhode Island medical assistance program and has made payments from privatefunds for at least six (6) months shall, upon depletion of the private funds,be permitted to remain as a resident of the nursing home at the rate of paymentto be paid by and calculated by the department of human services; provided,that the patient meets the eligibility requirements of § 40-8-3 and thatthe patient meets the criteria for skilled nursing, ICF I or ICF II level ofcare, and that the facility provides the level of care that the patientrequires and has an available bed at that level of care. Every person orcorporation violating the provision of this section would be subject to a fineof up to five thousand dollars ($5,000) and/or loss of license.