§ 23-17.5-9 Abuse. (a) Patients shall not be subject to mental and physical abuse, and shall befree from chemical and (except in emergencies) physical restraints except asauthorized in writing by a physician for a specified and limited period of timefor the protection of the patient.
(b) Restraining devices are generally prohibited. Acontrolling device to be used for the protection of the patient may be utilizedonly as prescribed in writing and signed by a physician. The length of time,the purpose, and the kind of restraint shall be specified in the physician'sorder.
(c) A training program in the use of restraints shall berequired for all personnel providing direct patient care, and completion of theprogram shall be documented in the employee's personnel record.
(d) If physical restraining devices are authorized by aphysician in accordance with subsection (b), the patient's next of kin or legalguardian shall be informed in writing of the purpose and duration of restraint.A copy of the communication shall be retained in the medical record for oneyear.