§ 23-17.9-6 Registration. Every nursing assistant being employed as a nursing assistant or offeringservices as a nursing assistant must obtain a certificate of registrationissued by the department. Every nursing assistant, prior to being issued acertificate of registration by the department, shall successfully complete thetraining program and/or qualifying examination as required by §§23-17.9-3 and 23-17.9-5 unless otherwise exempt from the requirements. Allapplicants not otherwise exempted are required to complete the process oftraining and examination within a period of one year from the date ofinitiation of training. Failure to successfully complete this process withinone year requires that the applicant repeat the training program and beretested. All nursing assistants shall be registered with and qualified by thedepartment of health. The fee for registration is forty dollars ($40.00). Thedepartment shall keep a register in which are entered the names of all personsto whom certificates of registration are issued under this chapter and theregister shall be open to public inspection. In addition, if required byfederal mandate the department will also keep a separate nurse aide registry.