§ 23-17-10 Regulations, inspections, andinvestigations Certain hospitals required to provide on-premisescoverage by physician Uniform reports Data systems. (a) The licensing agency, with the advice of the health services council, shallafter a public hearing pursuant to reasonable notice adopt, amend, promulgate,and enforce rules, regulations, and standards with respect to each category ofhealth care facility to be licensed under this chapter that may be designed tofurther the accomplishment of the purposes of this chapter in promoting safeand adequate treatment of individuals in health care facilities in the interestof public health, safety, and welfare. Provided, further, however, that alllicensed medical, surgical, or obstetrical hospitals (excepting those hospitalsas defined in § 23-17-2, as amended, which maintain an on-premisesemergency room staffed by a licensed physician, resident, or intern at alltimes) shall be required to protect their patients by providing on-premisescoverage by a licensed physician, resident or intern at all times.
(2) In developing regulations for home nursing care providersand home care providers, the director shall consider and adopt, whereappropriate, standards of relevant national accrediting bodies. The directorshall make or cause to be made quality improvement and licensure inspections ofeach licensed home nursing care provider and home care provider at a minimum ofonce in a twelve (12) month period. These inspections shall include but not belimited to: home visits; patient surveys; and employee interviews.
(b) The licensing agency shall make or cause to be made anyinspections and investigations that it deems necessary including medicalrecords. The licensing agency, with the advice of the health services council,shall also adopt, amend, promulgate, and enforce rules and regulations toprovide for a uniform system of reporting detailed financial and statisticaldata pertaining to the operation, services, and facilities of the health carefacilities and the periodic reporting shall, in accordance with the rules andregulations, be concerned with, but not limited to, unit cost utilizationcharges of health care facility services, financial condition of health carefacilities, and quality of health care facility care. The uniform reports shallalso include institutional plans that shall be prescribed in accordance withrules and regulations promulgated by the licensing agency with the advice ofthe health services council. Each health care facility shall establish andmaintain data systems to meet the requirements of any uniform system ofperiodic reporting that may be prescribed in accordance with the provisions ofthis section. The data shall be made available and be considered by the stateagency concerned with the reimbursement and/or utilization of health carefacility services.