§ 23-17-12.8 Posting of nursing stafflevels in nursing facilities. The department is authorized to adopt federal Medicare nurse staff postingrequirements by regulation. In addition to any federal requirements for postingof nursing staff levels, the nursing facility shall post the nurse staff levelsfor the facility in a public place within the facility. The posting informationshall be maintained on file by the nursing facility and shall be made availableto the public upon request. The nursing facility shall prepare an annual reportshowing the average daily direct care nurse staffing level for the facility byshift and by category of nurse to include registered nurses, licensed practicalnurses, nursing assistants and medication technicians; the use of nurse andnursing assistant staff from temporary placement agencies; and the nurse andnurse assistant turnover rates. The information on nurse staffing shall bereviewed as part of the nursing facility's annual licensing survey and shall beavailable to the public, both in printed form and on the department's website,by facility.