§ 23-17-13 Health services council. There shall be established a health services council consisting of twenty-four(24) members, eight (8) of whom shall be appointed by the speaker of the house,one of whose appointments shall represent hospital service corporations, six(6) of whom shall be appointed by the president of the senate, one of whoseappointments shall represent hospitals and a second of whose appointments shallrepresent the business community, and ten (10) of whom shall be appointed bythe governor, one of whose appoints shall represent the state budget office, asecond of whose appointment shall represent the department of human servicesand two (2) of whom shall be members of the general public that maintain his orher principal residence within fifteen hundred feet (1500 ft.) of a licensedhospital. The governor shall appoint members of the council in staggeredappointments, three (3) members one year, two (2) members the next year, andtwo (2) members the year after that. All members shall serve until theirsuccessors are appointed and qualified. In the month of February in each year,the governor shall appoint successors to the members of the council whose termsshall expire in that year, to hold office commencing on the first day of Marchin the year of appointment until the first day of March in the third (3rd) yearafter appointment or until their respective successors are appointed andqualified. Legislative members shall serve until the end of their legislativeterm. Any vacancy of a member appointed which may occur in the commission shallbe filled by appointment by the respective appointing authority for theremainder of the unexpired term. The council may also serve as an advisorycouncil as authorized by § 23-16-3.