§ 23-17-14 Functions of health servicescouncil. The health services council shall have the following responsibilities andduties:
(1) To consult and advise with the licensing agency regardinglicensing reviews conducted under §§ 23-17-14.3 and 23-17-14.4 and inmatters of policy affecting administration of this chapter, and in thedevelopment of rules, regulations, and standards provided for under thischapter;
(2) To review and make recommendations with respect to rules,regulations, and standards authorized under this chapter prior to theirpromulgation by the licensing agency as specified in this section;
(3) To consult and advise with the licensing agency withrespect to the administration of chapter 15 of this title;
(4) When acting as an advisory council authorized by §23-16-3, to consult with the director of the state department of health incarrying out the purposes of chapter 16 of this title.