§ 23-17-23 Hospital disciplinary powers. (a) The board of trustees of a hospital or other appropriate authority licensedpursuant to the laws of the state is authorized to suspend, deny, revoke, orcurtail the staff privileges of any staff member for good cause which shallinclude the grounds specified in § 5-37-5.1 for unprofessional conduct.The procedures for these actions shall comply with the procedures, if any, thatmay from time to time be outlined by the joint commission for accreditation ofhospitals.
(b) There shall be no liability on the part of and no causeof action of any nature shall arise against any hospital, hospital board oftrustees, or any hospital medical staff committee, where instituted by hospitalbylaws, for any action taken in good faith in carrying out the provisions ofthis chapter.
(c) Any disciplinary action against a physician whichinvolves loss of privileges shall promptly be reported to the board of medicallicensure and discipline by the hospital.