§ 23-17-31.1 Human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) testing Facilities for drug users. (a) Every physician or health care provider attending any person for anyservice offered at a facility for injecting drug users, shall offer testing forhuman immunodeficiency virus (HIV). All testing pursuant to this section shallbe performed in accordance with the provisions of chapter 23-6.3 except wherefederal confidentiality laws may supersede.
(b) The department of health shall maintain sites forproviding both anonymous and confidential HIV testing, and HIV counseling andreferral. Each site, funded by the department of health, shall offer freetesting, counseling and referral for indigent parties and other individualswithout health insurance, offer a sliding scale for payment for all otherindividuals and, in the case of confidential testing, screen for ability to paythrough a third-party insurer. In the case of nonfunded sites for HIV testing,organizations and/or institutions performing the test shall offer free testing,counseling and referral for indigent parties and other individuals withouthealth insurance.