§ 23-17-38 Establishment of fees. The director shall establish fees for licensure application, licensure renewal,inspection, and administrative actions under this chapter. Annual inspectionfees for hospitals and rehabilitation hospital centers shall be sixteenthousand nine hundred dollars ($16,900) per facility plus an additional fee ofone hundred and twenty dollars ($120) per bed. Annual licensure fees for healthmaintenance organizations and for profit end stage renal dialysis facilitiesshall be three thousand nine hundred dollars ($3,900) per facility. Annuallicensure fees for home nursing care providers and home care providers shall besix hundred and fifty dollars ($650) per facility; however, no additionallicense fee shall be charged when a home nursing care provider or home careprovider changes location during any calendar year for which an annual licensefee has already been paid for that home nursing care provider or home careprovider. Annual licensure fees for organized ambulatory care facilities shallbe six hundred and fifty dollars ($650), provided that not-for-profit entitiesoperating more than one ambulatory care facility shall be subject to a singleannual licensure fee for all such licenses; provided, further, that nonprofitcharitable community health centers, school based health centers and nonprofithospice programs with a current home nursing care provider license shall beexempt from the fee. All annual licensure fees not otherwise designated shallbe established in regulation and shall be collected and deposited as generalrevenues of the state.