§ 23-17-49 Surgical procedures General provisions. (a) The director shall determine through regulation categories of patients thatshall be permitted to receive surgical services in free standing ambulatorysurgical facilities, podiatry ambulatory surgery centers and physicianambulatory surgery centers providing surgical treatment based upon criteriaincluding, but not limited to:
(1) Risks related to patient characteristics;
(2) The type of and risks associated with the anesthesiarequired; and
(3) As appropriate, the complexity of the surgical procedureand the expected duration of the surgical procedure.
(b) Further, the director shall determine through regulationcategories of patients that are prohibited from receiving surgical services infree standing ambulatory surgical facilities, physician ambulatory surgerycenters, podiatry ambulatory surgery centers, and physician offices notlicensed under this chapter based upon criteria including, but not limited to:
(1) Risks related to patient characteristics;
(2) The type of and risks associated with the anesthesiarequired; and
(3) As appropriate, the complexity of the surgical procedure.