§ 23-17-50 Physician ambulatory surgerycenter Accreditation, survey, complaint investigation, and exemptions. (a) Accreditation from a national organization acceptable to the director maybe required, at the discretion of the director, in lieu of an annual survey bythe department.
(b) The provisions of subsection (a) shall not limit in anyway the prerogatives of the director to inspect any physician ambulatorysurgery center at any reasonable time, whether for purpose of general survey orfor complaint investigation. The director has access to all records of thelicensed physician ambulatory surgery center including medical records.
(c) Single practice physician ambulatory surgery centers asdefined in subdivision 23-17-2(13) are exempt from the requirements of chapter15 of this title.
(d) Single practice physician ambulatory surgery centers asdefined in subdivision 23-17-2(13) are exempt from the provisions of§§ 23-17-14.3 and 23-17-14.4 with respect to initial licensure underthis chapter.