§ 23-17-8.1 Curtailment of activities. Whenever the director determines that a health care facility licensed underthis chapter is not being operated in conformance with all of the requirementsestablished under this chapter, the director may, in lieu of suspension orrevocation of the license of the facility, order the licensee to be placed onprobationary status and set conditions with which the licensee must complywithin a set period of time, order the licensee to admit no additional personsto the facility, to provide health services to no additional persons throughthe facility, to transfer all or some of the persons occupying the facility toother suitable accommodations, or to take any other corrective action necessaryto secure compliance with the requirements established under this chapter.Notice of the order and any subsequent hearing that may be scheduled shallcomply with the requirements of procedural due process stipulated in §23-17-8. The director may act pursuant to this section only in those instanceswherein the director determines that the continued operation of the facilitywill not result in undue hardship to its occupants.