§ 23-18.11-1 Paper bag incentive. (a) The general assembly finds that discarded packaging constitutes asignificant category of waste within the state's waste system and is,therefore, a necessary focus of any effort to preserve the capacity of thecentral landfill, as well as to reduce economic and environmental costs ofwaste management for the citizens of this state.
(b) In furtherance of state source reduction and recyclingpolicies, it is the intent of this legislation to promote the use of paper bagsas a preferred alternative to plastic bags. Paper bags are frequently made fromrecycled paper fiber, are recyclable and degradable, and minimize the use ofnon-renewable resources, including natural gas and petroleum.
(c) The general assembly has determined that certain retailestablishments within the state are points of origin for a substantial volumeof plastic bags and, therefore, are particularly susceptible to actions whichhave significant potential for simplifying the chemical composition of thisportion of the state's waste stream, thereby improving solid waste managementwithin this state.