§ 23-18.11-2 Definitions. (a) "Goods" means all personal chattels, other than things in action or money,sold by a retail establishment for other than a commercial or business use orfor purposes of resale, including clothes that have been cleaned or pressed orotherwise serviced at a retailing laundry and cleaning establishment.
(b) "Paper bags" means bags made from recycled paper fiber orfrom renewable resources, which bags are recyclable and biodegradable.
(c) "Plastic bags" means bags or coverings made from plasticresins or derived from non-renewable, petroleum-based feedstocks, includingcoverings for clothes that have been cleaned or pressed or otherwise servicedat laundry and cleaning establishments.
(d) "Retail establishments" means all sales outlets, stores,shops, or other places of business located within the state, which operateprimarily to sell or convey goods, foods, or goods which have been the subjectmatter of the rendering of personal services thereon, directly to the ultimateconsumer which are predominantly contained, wrapped, or held in or on packaging.