§ 23-18.2-3 Removal of gravestones andmemorials. No fence, tomb, monument, or gravestone or fragment of a gravestone within anycemetery or burial place shall be destroyed or injured or shall be removedexcept in accordance with the provisions of this section. Any gravestone orother memorial for the dead may be removed for the purpose of repair orreplacement, reproduction, or preservation and display in an accredited museumupon:
(1) The consent of the owner of the burial lot in which thegravestone or memorial is placed or the consent of a lineal descendant of thedeceased or, if the owner or lineal descendant is unknown, with the consent ofthe burial ground authority, and
(2) The order of the superior court for the county in whichthe burial lot is located. Upon written application of a consenting owner,lineal descendant, or burial ground authority, the court may, after a hearing,with notice of the hearing having been given to interested parties andotherwise as the court deems appropriate, order the removal of the gravestoneor memorial, if it finds that removal is necessary or desirable for theprotection and preservation of the gravestone or memorial.