§ 23-18.3-1 Establishment Purpose Membership Compensation. (a) There is created a permanent advisory commission to study the location,condition, and inventory of historical cemeteries in Rhode Island and to makerecommendations to the general assembly relative to historical cemeteries inRhode Island.
(b) The commission shall consist of fourteen (14) members allof whom shall be citizens and residents of this state. One shall be thedirector of veterans' cemeteries or his or her designee.
(c) One shall be the director of the Rhode Island historicalpreservation and heritage commission or his or her designee.
(d) One shall be the director of the Rhode Island HistoricalSociety or his or her designee.
(e) One representative of the League of Cities and Towns tobe appointed by the governor who shall serve for one year.
(f) The governor, in consultation with and upon therecommendation of local historical or preservation societies within eachcounty, shall appoint ten (10) members of the general public consisting of two(2) representatives from each county.
(i) The members shall annually elect a chairperson of thecommission. Any vacancy shall be filled by the authority making the originalappointment. Members of the commission shall serve without compensation.