§ 23-18.6.1-6 Amending or revokinganatomical gift before donor's death. – (a) Subject to the provisions of this chapter, a donor or other personauthorized to make an anatomical gift may amend or revoke an anatomical gift by:
(1) A record signed by:
(i) The donor;
(ii) The other person so authorized; or
(iii) Subject to subsection (b), another individual acting atthe direction of the donor or the other person so authorized if the donor orother person is physically unable to sign; or
(2) A later-executed document of gift that amends or revokesa previous anatomical gift or portion of an anatomical gift, either expresslyor by inconsistency.
(b) A record signed pursuant to paragraph (a)(1)(iii) must:
(1) Be witnessed by at least two (2) adults, at least one ofwhom is a disinterested witness, who have signed at the request of the donor orthe other person; and
(2) State that it has been signed and witnessed as providedin subdivision (1).
(c) Subject to the provisions of this chapter, a donor orother person authorized to make an anatomical gift may revoke an anatomicalgift by the destruction or cancellation of the document of gift, or the portionof the document of gift used to make the gift, with the intent to revoke thegift.
(d) A donor may amend or revoke an anatomical gift that wasnot made in a will by any form of communication during a terminal illness orinjury addressed to at least two (2) adults, at least one of whom is adisinterested witness.
(e) A donor who makes an anatomical gift in a will may amendor revoke the gift in the manner provided for amendment or revocation of willsor as provided in this chapter.