§ 23-18-1 Definitions. The following terms used in this chapter, unless the context indicatesotherwise, have the following meanings:
(1) "Agencies" mean town cemeteries, religious orecclesiastical society cemeteries, cemetery associations, or any person, firm,corporation, or unincorporated association previously or hereafter engaged inthe business of conducting a cemetery or operating a community mausoleum orcolumbarium.
(2) "Columbarium" means a structure or room, or other spacein a building or structure of durable or lasting fireproof construction,containing niches, used, or intended to be used, to contain cremated humanremains.
(3) "Community mausoleum" means a structure or building ofdurable or lasting construction, used or intended to be used, for the permanentdisposition in crypts or spaces therein of the remains of deceased persons,provided the crypts or spaces and their use are available to or may be obtainedby individuals for a price in money or other form of security.
(4) "Crypt" means the chamber in a mausoleum of sufficientsize to contain the remains of a deceased person.
(5) "Historic cemetery" means any tract of land which hasbeen for more than one hundred (100) years used as a burial place, whether ornot marked with an historic marker, including but not limited to, ancientburial places known or suspected to contain the remains of one or more AmericanIndians.
(6) "Niche" means a recess in a columbarium or otherstructure, used, or intended to be used, for the permanent disposition of thecremated remains of one or more deceased persons.