§ 23-19.10-2 Legislative findings, policy,and intent. It is found and declared that:
(1) Whenever possible, the generation of hazardous waste isto be reduced or eliminated as expeditiously as possible, and that waste thatis generated should be recycled, treated, or disposed of in a manner thatminimizes any present or future threats to human health or the environment;
(2) There exist many promising, but as yet unproved,technologies for the reduced generation of hazardous waste and for recyclingand treating hazardous waste;
(3) Financial commitments by public agencies and privateindustry for the expeditious development and dispersion of hazardous wastereduction, recycling, and treatment technologies depends upon further researchas well as credible and timely demonstrations of the feasibility, environmentalacceptability, and reliability of this technology;
(4) It is the intent of the general assembly, in enactingthis chapter, to promote the research, development, and expeditiousdemonstration of technologies that have the potential to reduce, recycle, andtreat hazardous waste. It is further the intent of the general assembly toencourage private sector participation in this program to the greatest extentpossible.