§ 23-19.10-8 Department contracts forservices Construction grant program. The department may:
(1) Contract for services to be performed to carry out thischapter, including, but not limited to, environmental control assessment,feasibility analysis, the review of project design, field managementresponsibilities, and project scheduling and control.
(2) Grant funding for equipment construction needed fordemonstration of hazardous waste reduction, recycling, and treatmenttechnologies shall be provided to projects selected pursuant to §23-19.10-7 in four (4) consecutive steps:
(i) Step I grants shall be made to study the feasibility of aproposed project. Ninety percent (90%) of the costs of the feasibility studyshall be eligible for grant funding up to a maximum of forty thousand dollars($40,000) per grant. In activities funded by a Step I grant, the applicantshall develop information needed to select the waste reduction, recycling, ortreatment alternative, which would be most cost effective.
(ii) Step II grants shall be made for project design. Seventypercent (70%) of the costs of the design of the project shall be eligible forgrant funding, except that a small business may be eligible for ninety percent(90%) of those costs up to a maximum of seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000)per grant. In activities funded by a Step II grant, the applicant shall preparedetailed plans and specifications for the selected facilities, establishschedules for implementation, and obtain necessary permits.
(iii) Step III grants shall be made for the construction ofthe facilities. Fifty percent (50%) of the costs of constructing the projectshall be eligible for grant funding, except that a small business may beeligible for ninety percent (90%) of those costs, up to a maximum of twohundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) per grant. As a condition ofreceiving a Step III grant, the grantee shall allow the results of the projectto be evaluated and the information disseminated to other parties. Inactivities funded by a Step III grant, the applicant shall construct thefacilities as designed under a Step II grant, procure needed equipment, andobtain necessary permits to operate the facility.
(iv) Step IV grants shall be made to evaluate theeffectiveness of grant-funded facilities, develop information on compliancewith regulatory permits, and assess applicability of the selected approach toother generators of similar hazardous wastes. Ninety percent (90%) of the costsof those activities shall be eligible for grant funding, except that a smallbusiness may be eligible for one hundred percent (100%) of those costs, up to amaximum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) per grant.