§ 23-19.11-1 Policy and purpose. The state recognizes that the congress has declared that each state isresponsible for providing for the availability of capacity either within oroutside its borders, for the disposal of low-level radioactive waste generatedwithin its borders, except for those wastes which remain a federalresponsibility as defined in the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Act, 42U.S.C. § 2021(b) et seq., or federal research and development activities.The state recognizes that the long term safe and effective management oflow-level radioactive waste generated within the state requires that sufficientcapacity to manage low-level radioactive waste be provided. In order to promotepublic health and safety in the state, it is the policy of the state to enterinto a contract with a compact commission of a region in which a regionaldisposal facility is located to provide for the disposal of all low-levelradioactive waste generated in the state, as provided under 42 U.S.C. §2021(e)(1)(f). The state is required to compensate the compact commission of aregion in which a regional disposal facility is located that will provide forthe disposal of all low-level radioactive waste generated within the state.Therefore, Rhode Island as a service to its low-level radioactive wastegenerators, will provide access to a disposal facility with sufficient capacityfor their needs and the generators of low-level radioactive waste willreimburse the state for providing this service as long as an agreement existsand is in compliance as defined by the Low-Level Radiation Waste Policy Act.