§ 23-19.12-10 License. (a) No person or legal entity shall engage in the storage, treatment and/ordestruction of regulated medical waste unless that person or legal entity hasreceived a license issued by the director of the department of environmentalmanagement. This license is a special category of license issued to solid wastemanagement facilities.
(b) However, storage by a generator before regulated medicalwaste is treated and/or destroyed on-site, or offered for transport does notconstitute a practice requiring licensure under this section. Nor does thetreatment and/or destruction of regulated medical waste by the generator ofthat waste constitute a practice requiring licensure under this section if thetreatment and/or destruction is carried out at a generating facility owned andoperated by the generator of the medical waste and if the treatment and/ordestruction process does not include waste generated by any other person orlegal entity.