§ 23-19.12-13 Denial or revoking oflicenses. The director of the department of environmental management may deny anapplication for a license, or suspend or revoke a license after it has beengranted, or refuse to renew a license for any of the following reasons:
(1) Proof of unfitness of the applicant or licensee to engagein the business;
(2) A material misstatement by the applicant or licensee inhis or her application for a license or renewal;
(3) Failure of the applicant or licensee to comply with theprovisions of this chapter or with any rule or regulation promulgated pursuantto this chapter;
(4) A history of noncompliance with environmental regulationsor standards, or conviction of any environmental crime or other crimesinvolving moral turpitude. This subdivision applies to: the applicant, andofficers, major stock holders, or principals of the business for which theapplication is submitted or to which an existing license has been issued.