§ 23-19.12-6 Records. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person or legal entity to generate, store,transport, treat, destroy, or dispose of regulated medical waste within thestate without complying with any record keeping requirements of regulationsestablished by the director in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
(2) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section,each generator shall keep a copy of each medical waste tracking form for atleast three (3) years from the date the waste was accepted by the initialtransporter.
(b) Generators that are exempt from using the medical wastetracking form as specified in § 23-19.12-5 shall meet the followingrequirements:
(1) A shipment log shall be maintained at the originalgeneration point for a period of three (3) years from the date the waste wasshipped. The log shall contain the following information:
(i) Date of shipment;
(ii) Quantity (by weight) of regulated medical wastetransported, by waste category (i.e., untreated and treated);
(iii) Address or location of central collection point;
(iv) Signature of generator's employee who is transportingthe waste, to signify delivery has been completed.
(2) A shipment log shall be maintained at each centralcollection point for a period of three (3) years from the date that regulatedmedical waste was accepted from each original generation point and shallcontain the following information:
(i) Date of receipt;
(ii) Quantity (by weight) of regulated medical wasteaccepted, by waste category (i.e., untreated and treated);
(iii) Address or location of original generation point; and
(iv) Signature of generator or generator's representative whooperates the central collection point, to signify acceptance of the waste.
(c) Generators that are exempt from using the medical wastetracking form in § 23-19.12-5 and do not voluntarily comply with the useof the tracking form are subject to the following record keeping requirements:
(1) Generators that use a transporter that hold a valid RhodeIsland medical waste transporter's permit shall maintain a log for a period ofthree (3) years from the date of shipment that contains the followinginformation for each shipment or pickup;
(i) Transporter's name and address;
(ii) Transporter's state permit;
(iii) Quantity (by weight) of regulated medical wastetransported, by waste category (i.e., untreated and treated);
(iv) Date of shipment; and
(v) The signature of the transporter's representativeaccepting the regulated medical waste for transport.
(2) Generators that transport their own regulated medicalwaste to a health care facility or to a treatment, destruction, or disposalfacility as specified in § 23-19.12-5 shall compile and maintain a log fora period of three (3) years from the date of the last shipment entered into thelog. The log shall contain the following information:
(i) Name and address of the intermediate handler, destinationfacility, or health care facility to which the generator has transported theshipment of regulated medical waste;
(ii) Quantity (by weight) of regulated medical wastetransported, by waste category (i.e., untreated and treated);
(iii) Date of shipment; and
(iv) Signature of the generator or his authorizedrepresentative who transported the waste.
(3) Generators that transport regulated medical waste by theU.S. postal service or other courier service approved for the transport ofregulated medical waste by appropriate federal and state agencies shall retainthe original U.S. postal service receipt or courier service receipt and thereturn mail receipt and maintain a shipment log for a period of three (3) yearsfrom the date of shipment. The log shall contain the following information:
(i) Quantity (by weight) of regulated medical wastetransported, by waste category (i.e., untreated and treated);
(ii) Date of shipment; and
(iii) Name and address of each intermediate handler ordestination facility to which the generator has transported the regulatedmedical waste by the U.S. postal service or courier service.